Services Services We are glad to provide a variety of ways for the whole community to access Anishinaabemowin Professional Development We are happy to provide PD opportunities for a variety of organizations depending on their goals. Topics: Understanding Anishinaabemowin Grammar, Curriculum Design, Immersion Pedagogy, Resource Development, Community Language Worker Development, Simple Greeting/Thanking/Departing Request a quote Community Programming We are happy to provide community programming for a variety of ages (5+). Request a quote Community Language Documentation / Resource Development We can support communities to document community language and to develop community based language resources. Request a quote Tutoring You can book a 55 minute session with Ninaatig or one of our associate tutors. Book a session Naming Programs or Groups For programs run for and by Anishinaabeg. In consultation with your organization, we will provide you with a name in Anishinaabemowin. * we do not provide individual Anishinaabe names Request a quote Openings and Closings We can provide an opening prayer and song. We can also be there to offer words before a meal, and offer a closing prayer and song. * Tobacco must be provided upon arrival. Request a quote Translations We can provide translations. This work is hard and not every piece is accepted to be translated. Request a quote