

We are glad to provide a variety of ways for the whole community to access Anishinaabemowin

Professional Development

We are happy to provide PD opportunities for a variety of organizations depending on their goals. 


Topics: Understanding Anishinaabemowin Grammar, Curriculum Design, Immersion Pedagogy, Resource Development, Community Language Worker Development, Simple Greeting/Thanking/Departing

Community Programming

We are happy to provide community programming for a variety of ages (5+). 

Community Language Documentation / Resource Development

We can support communities to document community language and to develop community based language resources.  



You can book a 55 minute session with Ninaatig or one of our associate tutors. 

Naming Programs or Groups

For programs run for and by Anishinaabeg. In consultation with your organization, we will provide you with a name in Anishinaabemowin. 


* we do not provide individual Anishinaabe names 

Openings and Closings

We can provide an opening prayer and song. We can also be there to offer words before a meal, and offer a closing prayer and song. 

* Tobacco must be provided upon arrival.  


We can provide translations. This work is hard and not every piece is accepted to be translated.